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Meet the Emergent Jews

For almost a decade the “emergent” movement has been a peculiar subculture on the borders of evangelical Christianity. Members of the movement—or “conversation” as they prefer to call it—tend to be known more for their cultural choices (Likes: tattoos, cussing, . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Philosophers and Slaves

In the In the First Circle: The First Uncensored Edition, there is a striking scene that I’d like to highlight. Most of the characters in the book inhabit one of the Moscow Sharaskas in the early 50s. A Sharaska was a special prison camp, unlike the work camps, the conditions of these camps . . . . Continue Reading »

Harvard’s New Literary History of America

Having just received my own review copy of A New Literary History of America from Harvard University Press, I was intrigued to read Mark Bauerlein and Priscilla Ward’s email exchange on the book over at The Chronicle of Higher Education . Unsurprisingly, the book does not just focus on . . . . Continue Reading »

The Banality Kerfuffle

I woke up to discover that more or less everything I wanted to say last night about Ron Rosenbaum’s misbegotten hit job on Hannah Arendt and her conception of the banality of evil has been said this morning at length by Steven Menashi at the American Scene. (Extra fun: in touching on Carlin . . . . Continue Reading »

Gandalf Hates Leviticus

In the Lord of the Rings films, British actor Ian McKellen played Gandalf, a wizard who helps protect Middle-earth from the forces of evil. But in real he plays a censor, protecting hotel guests from the nefarious collaboration of Moses and the Gideons: Details: Is it true that when you stay at . . . . Continue Reading »

In Praise of Low-Minded Christians

Proving there is nothing new under the sun that entrepreneurial Christians won’t want to slap a “Jesus fish” on, today marks the emergence of, a social media site that is to Twitter what Fireproof is to Citizen Kane.Yes, “chirping” is annoying. . . . . Continue Reading »

Thoughts on Natural Law

The subject of the natural law came up in a talk with a friend a while back. She is very passionate about the rights of illegal aliens, border issues, etc. I happened to know prior to the conversation that she considers herself a “nontheist.” If I understand correctly, the word nontheist . . . . Continue Reading »

Faith and Works
Fire and Smoke

Now I will admit, having been a Christian for a somewhat short time as an adult, I’ve some unfamiliarity with the ins and outs of Christian controversy. Jared points tangentially to one which has puzzled me quite a bit. So I thought I’d put the question to the chorus here.Protestants and . . . . Continue Reading »

Christopher Hitchens …

. . . picks up the rice in a church where a wedding has been. / Lives in a dream, / wearing a face that he keeps just for Vanity Fair. Ah, me. Christopher is an old acquaintance, and the most fluid writer around today, but some years ago he oddly decided to take the hackneyed pose of the . . . . Continue Reading »



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