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Our Duty to Our Enemy

During times of tragedy, it is often easier to talk about praying than to take time out to pray. But I hope that all of us truly will take the time to pray for those involved in the recent massacre at Fort Hood. We should pray for the dead, pray for the wounded, pray for the victim’s families . . . . Continue Reading »

I’m curious

Would anyone reading this blog allow that someone who adheres to Open Theism holds to faith in Jesus Christ?Can we answer that question using the Nicene Creed?Feel free to post your ideas in the comments. The only thing I’m asking is that my normal Entourage refrain from any apologetic . . . . Continue Reading »

Notre Dame Doubles Down

The president of Notre Dame, Fr. Jenkins, is receiving an award tonight here in New York—from the American Irish Historical Society dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. The society’s reasons for honoring him include things of which the Irish and Catholic—and . . . . Continue Reading »

Is the end near?

Christians have been engaging sporadically in eschatological speculation for most of the last two millennia, but a lot of people these days seem to be focussing on 21 May 2011 as the predicted Day of Judgement. Could this be part of an effort to preempt the Mayan . . . . Continue Reading »

First Muslim Professor at the Gregoriana

The German-language service of Radio Vatican reports that the Gregorian University in Rome has appointed its first Muslim professor, the Tunisan Koran scholar Adnanee Mokrani. Interviewed is Fr. Felix Koerner, whose book on Islamic reform  I reviewed last year in Asia Times under the title, . . . . Continue Reading »



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