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Re: Health Care Without Abortion

Joseph asked , “And where is Planned Parenthood going to go? Are they going to withdraw their support from President Obama and the Democrats?” They won’t have to go anywhere. After Planned Parenthood got off the phone with House Democrats, the liberal caucus decided it would kill . . . . Continue Reading »

On Credit for Being Right

It is easy to get irritated when religious leaders follow instead of lead on the issues of our day.Christians are called to follow the Truth even if nobody else wants to go there.As lovers of Wisdom, we are called to follow the Logos where ever He leads us. No picking a politically correct cause . . . . Continue Reading »

Health Care Without Abortion

In an On the Square round-up this morning , I take up the House bill that passed this weekend. Not everyone is happy that the Stupak Amendment was added, of course. Here’s the latest from Planned Parenthood : Congress passed a bill that will undercut women’s access to comprehensive . . . . Continue Reading »

William F. Buckley on Writing for Playboy

Thanks to the wonders of Amazon, I was able to obtain a copy of William F. Buckley’s out of print Cruising Speed . I don’t know how this book managed to disappear from our collective consciousness because it is wonderful. Cruising Speed and Overdrive are characterized as personal . . . . Continue Reading »

The fall of the wall, plus 20

The autumn of 1989 was an exciting time to be teaching political science, due to the extraordinary events occurring in the former east European Soviet bloc. The culmination was, of course, the dramatic opening of the Berlin Wall on 9 November. A political illusion that had seemed so immovable for . . . . Continue Reading »

You Probably Have More Money Than Joe Biden

A new report reveals that members of Congress are just like the rest of us . . . only much, much richer : Two-hundred-and-thirty-seven members of Congress are millionaires. That’s 44 percent of the body – compared to about 1 percent of Americans overall. CRP says California Republican . . . . Continue Reading »

Church is Going to the Dogs

You know what you get when you spell G-O-D backwards . . . When the Rev. Tom Eggebeen took over as interim pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church three years ago, he looked around and knew it needed a jump start. Most of his worshippers, though devoted, were in their 60s, attendance had bottomed . . . . Continue Reading »

Redemption for Disney’s Belle?

Years ago, when I saw Beauty and the Beast on Broadway, I had heard John Mark’s thoughts on the Disney story (and agreed), so I was pleasantly surprised when a song came out of nowhere—a song that doesn’t appear on any of the soundtracks (film or musical)—when Belle leaves . . . . Continue Reading »

Non-Preacher Preaching Here . . .

When you are a Christian academic with a doctorate, many people assume that you are a seminarian and thus ask you to preach.  During the past couple of years, I have been called upon to do it a few times and have always accepted because it just seems like the thing one should do.Today, I had . . . . Continue Reading »

Uncle Tim Takes the Gloves Off

Timothy Dolan came to town with a hammer in his hand . My column in the New York Post on the latest moves by Archbishop Dolan: Beginnings are such difficult things, and a bishop always has to struggle to find his public place in a new town—especially on a stage as hard as New York’s. He . . . . Continue Reading »



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