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You Take Your Praise Where You Can Get It

In this case, from the always-interesting economics blogger Megan McArdle : The original compromise, segregating the funds so that the federal subsidy wouldn’t pay for the abortion part, was a transparently ineffective gimmick. How transparently ineffective? If it really was just her money . . . . Continue Reading »

A Republican Revival?

Here Yuval Levin argues that this is precisely what we’re currently witnessing given the Democrat party’s aggressive lurch to the left. Also, our own Peter Lawler points out that, more than ever, Republicans need to clearly and uncompromisingly assert their basic principles, . . . . Continue Reading »

Conference at Berry College

Next April 15, we’re going to have a one-day conference on the general topic of the teaching of American politics. Here are some possible themes: the relationship between civic education and liberal education, the use of literature and film, the heroic approach (Washington, Lincoln, etc.), . . . . Continue Reading »

The Future of Human Nature

The New Atlantis, simply one of the best journals out there, is now hosting a new blog called Futurisms which features the writing of Charles Rubin, Ari Schulman, and Adam Keiper. It’s quite a blog that manages to cover a wide spectrum of topics from nanotechnology and nanoethics to . . . . Continue Reading »

Biotechnology and Humanity

My colleague at RIT Sean Sutton has edited a terrific collection of essays called Biotechnology: Our Future as Human Beings and Citizens . Besides some very provocative pieces by Leon Kass and Ronald Bailey, there is a contribution entitled “The Bible and Biotechnology” which very well . . . . Continue Reading »

’Cause the Bible Tells Me So

Over at the linguists’ group blog, Language Log , they’re taking up the school-marm’s rule against starting a sentence with a conjunction. But you already know the rule, of course. And who’s to say the school-marms were wrong? The Bible, as it turns out: This morning I . . . . Continue Reading »



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