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Do Not Go Quietly

“Do Not Go Quietly” is the name of the message I’m preaching this Sunday, from Titus 2:11-15:For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s Always Blooming in Marciworld

Via John J. Pitney Jr. , the word from Marci Hamilton that the Stupak amendment “violates the Constitution’s separation of church and state. The anti-abortion movement is plainly religious in motivation, and its lobbyists and spokespersons represent religious groups, as is illustrated by . . . . Continue Reading »

Which Lost Lives Count

The suspect for the Fort Hood shootings, Nidal Malik Hasan, has been charged with thirteen counts of murder, the AP reports . The officials said it is not yet decided whether to charge Hasan with a fourteenth count of murder related to the death of the unborn child of a pregnant shooting victim. . . . . Continue Reading »

A Hands-Free Holy Water Dispenser

A few weeks ago I wrote about the absurd precautions some churches are taking to avoid swine flue infection. Not surprisingly, a clever Italian inventor has found a way to capitalize on these fears: Many churches had suspended the tradition of keeping holy water in open fonts into which people . . . . Continue Reading »

If only Obama had been Pope. . .

When I think about the story of man, I often shed a tear for the missed opportunities of history. What if the White Star Line had put in enough lifeboats? What if the driver for Archduke Franz Ferdinand had been more competent?Missed chances . . .and history went sadly wrong. What if, imagine it if . . . . Continue Reading »

Owls: We Have a Common Culture

When stuck for content for a slow blogging week, cultural conservatives are apt to bemoan the loss of common culture. While it wasn’t much, there did seem to be something comforting about all of America huddled about a bleary black-and-white looking at I Love Lucy. Lucy stuffing chocolate in . . . . Continue Reading »

Karen Novak Art Exhibit in D.C.

Those in the D.C. area, be sure to check out the exhibit of Karen Novak’s work at the JPII Cultural Center. Deirdre M. Lawler reviews the exhibit, which may close as soon as November 15, in today’s On the Square feature. Some artwork is viewable online here . Also, if you haven’t . . . . Continue Reading »

What’s Holy?

This is Holy.Jen Zila says this over there: will love until it feels uncomfortable, and when i start to get comfortable with that, i’ll give until it gets uncomfortable again. because, a $25 check isn’t much of a stretch in our household it doesn’t really ‘cost’ us. but . . . . Continue Reading »



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