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Getting Back On it

I really wish someone would post online Philip Yancey’s most recent Christianity Today column, his last for a long while apparently. It is titled “O Evangelicos” and would serve as a nice companion piece, if not an incidental rejoinder, to this recent Patrol Mag editorial, itself . . . . Continue Reading »

The Twitterfication of All Things?

Novelist Cormac McCarthy gives a fascinating interview to the Wall Street Journal in which he discusses, among other things, books, movies, God, cultural permanence, and ideas. At one point, the interview turns to the modern attention span, and how novelists must adapt:WSJ: Does this issue of length . . . . Continue Reading »

Abandoning faith for credulousness

In my personal library are two privately-printed, soft-bound volumes (booklets, really) devoted to Hancock, Michigan, Remembered, written by Clarence J. Monette. Hancock is located in the beautiful Keweenaw Peninsula that juts out into Lake Superior as the northern-most contiguous point of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Reflections on Assisted Suicide in the UK

It has been a very interesting experience to debate assisted suicide here in the UK.  I had in-depth exchanges with three different advocates, one a Member of the Scottish Parliament, one a bioethicist from, I believe, the University of Glasgow, and Dr. Libby Wilson, the head of an assisted . . . . Continue Reading »


When I was a kid, I used to root for people to pick the next year as the date of Christ’s return. Since I really wanted to get married, I did not want the Day of Doom to come too soon. Using my childish reasoning, I figured that since the Savior had said no man knew the day or hour of His . . . . Continue Reading »

Favre, the Bible, and Hero Worship

I have no icon of football hero Brett Favre, but if he continues to play well this year, somebody will be tempted to make one. Safe to say veneration heads his way each Sunday from millions over America.Brett Favre makes me feel better about being over forty. Of course at no time in my life did I . . . . Continue Reading »

The other foot

The subject of God’s love is not an either/or question in the face of orthodoxy. It’s not either you think God loves men or you have the right theology. In fact, I would say that the manner by which you can affirm that God loves men determines whether or not you have the right . . . . Continue Reading »



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