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The Economic Benefits of Hell

Want to increase the GNP? Preach about the doctrine of hell : What makes economies grow? It’s a question that has occupied thinkers for centuries. Most of us would tick off things like education levels, openness to trade, natural resources, and political systems. Here’s one you might not . . . . Continue Reading »

Boy Scout Scab Earns Union-Busting Merit Badge

I thought all the jokes about heavy-handed labor unions were, well, just jokes. Apparently not : In pursuit of an Eagle Scout badge, Kevin Anderson, 17, has toiled for more than 200 hours hours over several weeks to clear a walking path in an east Allentown park. Little did the do-gooder know that . . . . Continue Reading »

Bow- Wow!

I have been gone for a long time; i wrote this last night and posted it also on the weekly standard wesbite this morning. it’s a case of double entry blogkeeping, but i can’t resist. How low can you go? This is the question confronting the nation in the aftermath of President . . . . Continue Reading »

The Sarah Palin Saga

So lots of folks here in Rochester are talking about Sarah who will be signing books at one of our local Borders this Saturday. The whole drama following her public life is mostly silly and it’s hard to imagine that she could ever be a serious contender for the GOP’s nomination in . . . . Continue Reading »

Spengler Unveiled

For years the identify of the pseudonymous Asia Times ’ columnist Spengler remained a well-guarded secret. Last night on CNBC the mystery man was revealed to be . . . . . . First Things ’ senior editor David Goldman ! Whoa, wait a minute, didn’t we already announce that back in . . . . Continue Reading »

Bock on Erhman

Darrell Bock reviews Bart Ehrman’s book Jesus, Interrupted. I especially liked this paragraph, which captures very well my own concern about what I’ve read by Ehrman:I think what is most bothersome in this book is the way it sets up discussions. It pursues a topic for several pages, . . . . Continue Reading »



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