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I Respectfully Decline

So Joe posted a link to the new Manhattan Declaration which came out late last week, and in the comments it came out that I agree with the morals of the document but think this documents and others like it obscure the Gospel. Collin, my co-blogger here at Evangel, didn’t see what I meant . . . . Continue Reading »

Locke and Darwin, Nature and History

So I’m now getting around to writing an essay on Locke and Darwin. Here’s a taste pretty relevant to various recent POSTMODERN and CONSERVATIVE posts: Darwin himself had a naïve faith in the almost inevitable natural evolution of the “moral sense” of members of our . . . . Continue Reading »

Sacred Selling

I have been thinking a lot about the way we sell church-related goods and services.I have been thinking about that and about Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers and sacrificial animal sellers in the temple.The marketing inside the church has probably never been more feverish than it . . . . Continue Reading »

CAP-LOCK Rhetoric

The best way to get web hits is to say something loudly.Our discourse is often as subtle as a teenager with a stuck caps key. We don’t just oppose the President’s agenda, but WE STAND AT ARMAGEDDON AND WE BATTLE FOR THE LORD.While that last line got Teddy Roosevelt some cheers, and T.R. . . . . Continue Reading »

Thank you Catholic Bishops!

President Obama is just returning from China having gently mentioned to the butchers of Beijing that human rights are important. The witness for human dignity will continue in China, but it will not be the soft approach of kowtowing to dictators while speaking softly to them.How do we know?The . . . . Continue Reading »



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