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Americans Don’t Get Religion

Rod Dreher is concerned about certain trends in law enforcement . He quotes Reul Marc Gerecht saying: For the FBI, religion remains a much too sensitive subject, much more so than the threatening ideologies of yesteryear. Imagine if Maj. Hasan had been an officer during the Cold War, regularly . . . . Continue Reading »

That’s Him, Officer, That’s Raskolnikov

Literary magazine The Believer asked forensic artist Barbara Anderson to sketch eight literary criminals, working from descriptive details offered by their creators. From the hints left by the novelists, Anderson drew sketches of such characters as Dickens’ Fagin,  Nabokov’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Conscious in a Coma

The history of medicine is replete with treatments, diagnoses, and procedures that, while well-intended at the time, we now regard with horror as being barbaric and inhumane. When future generations judge our era, one of the areas where they’ll likely be aghast is our treatment of those who . . . . Continue Reading »

Raiders of the Lost Cask

There are a number of my friends—hard-working, hard-drinking, adventure-loving men—who would be envious of the New Zealanders who have what they’d consider the greatest job on earth: Whiskey Driller . A team of New Zealanders is preparing to drill in Antarctica in the New Year, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Confession of the Confused

I have a confession to make: Often when I read Christian blogs (including this one) I have absolutely no idea what in the world the people are talking about. No clue. At all.Maybe it’s that despite being an evangelical for over thirty years I still don’t quite comprehend evangelicalese . . . . Continue Reading »



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