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Thanksgiving Day, presently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, has been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863. It did not become a federal holiday until 1941. Thanksgiving was historically a religious observation to give thanks to God, but is now primarily identified as a . . . . Continue Reading »

An Apologetic’s Apologetic

The question was raised by Jared regarding the significance of Leftist concerns (to me and to this site) and our understanding of what it means to be “evangelical”.  If we accept that evangelical theology is the most orthodox, the closest to the teachings of the Word, then it . . . . Continue Reading »

Serving Christ While Serving Time

Louisiana’s Angola Prison—known as “The Farm”—is the largest maximum-security prison in America. All of the prisoners are murderers, rapists, armed robbers, or habitual felons. The average sentence is 88 years, with 3,200 people in one place serving life sentences; . . . . Continue Reading »

Beatles 3000

In the year 3000, music historians are still talking about the four lads from Linverton—John Lennon, Paul MacKenzie, Greg Hutchinson, and Scottie Pippen. (I sometimes wonder if our views about the other Fab Four (Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Aristotle, and Plato) aren’t similar skewed by the . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus: A Mythic Life

A myth is a story so deeply moving and true that it shapes the rest of your life. When I was in seventh grade, I found a copy of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings in the Rochester Christian School library. On the bus ride home, I started reading it and knew from the first page that my life would . . . . Continue Reading »

Climategate: Investigate

I loathe the tactic of hacking and publishing, whether in support of a side I am on or not.  It seems to me that such Nixonian tactics—as I wrote here—destroy the comity necessary for democracy to function. (Yes, I am aware of the NYT’s hypocrisy on this matter, but what does . . . . Continue Reading »



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