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It’s Never Enough in the Culture of Death

The Dutch have the most wild and open euthanasia license in the world. And yet, it is never enough.  Now, the lawyer responsible for obtaining a Dutch Supreme Court ruling okaying assisted suicide for the mentally ill, wants psychiatrists to have to justify not killing their suicidal patients . . . . Continue Reading »

25 Favorite Short Stories

In his Devil’s Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce defined a novel as “a short story padded.” This is an all too apt description. The inability to prune a story to its essential story is an unfortunate quality shared by many modern writers and the primary reason that bookshelves are filled with . . . . Continue Reading »

Thankful For the Body

Hopefully I’m not too late to join the Thanksgiving chorus and I can throw in a quick message of gratitude for my local church. About this time last year I was wrestling with some difficult issues relating to problems at my church. I loved the people there and much of what went on there, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Medical Marijuana for Autism?

The World featured my recent post reacting to medical marijuana being recommended by some doctors as a “treatment” for ADHD in an article focusing on marijuana used medicinally on children. That’s always cool. But I mention it primarily because the article reports that some parents . . . . Continue Reading »



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