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Cosmetic Surgery Kills

I am not a fan of the cosmetic surgery industrial complex.  As I wrote the other day, I think it promotes hedonism, takes scarce resources—including of the human kind—out of the healing sector, and promotes unreal standards of beauty.I should have added that it can also be . . . . Continue Reading »

Cost of Twelve Days of Christmas: $87,403

A partridge in a pear tree—and related accessories— don’t come cheap : Making one’s true love happy will cost a whopping $87,403 this year, a minuscule increase from last year, according to the latest cost analysis of the items in the carol “The Twelve Days of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Elephant in the Room

There I was, quietly chuckling over Bryan Caplan and Robin Hanson’s back and forth (and forth ) on the reasonableness of cryonics, when somebody decided to bring Derek Parfit into things . Says Julian: In reality, our ordinary way of talking about this leads to a serious mistake that Robin . . . . Continue Reading »

Famous Last Words

You know: when most people get ready to write a little something for the Christmas season, they fire up the Yule log, and they have a little eggnog, and toss a little tinsel, and eat a cookie, and then they have this sweet smell on their breath as they talk about how joyful a season this . . . . Continue Reading »

Justification: Here I Stand

A few weeks ago an editor from the Christian Science Monitor emailed to ask if I would consider writing an opinion piece on the doctrine of justification. This sounded unusual to say the least.   First of all, why was he asking me? (Because a friend of mine passed along my name I found . . . . Continue Reading »

What happened to the old sins?

Really — where did they go?It used to be wrong to gamble.  It violated the Christian work ethic.It used to be that a church would not accept gambling winnings as an offering.  I wonder how many wink at it today.Heavy alcohol consumption is not blogged about.  I wonder if it is . . . . Continue Reading »

Children’s Book Blegging . . .

I know a little boy who has developed some bad habits by reading funny books his father got him without thinking about the consequences of said little boy emulating the behavior of the main character.We don’t need to go into who the boy is or who his father is.  Let’s just say I . . . . Continue Reading »



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