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Win This War

Credit to President Obama for making a tough call and going forward to win the war in Afghanistan. I will leave it to my betters to argue the details, but we are at war and I support my President in . . . . Continue Reading »

How to Get Drunk Like George Jetson

If you drew a Venn diagram of “Things you wash down with orange juice” and “Things the world doesn’t need” this would be in the center: vodka in a pill form . Russian professor Evgeny Moskalev of Saint Petersburg Technological University has evolved a technique that . . . . Continue Reading »

Minnesota Apparently an Injustice-Free Zone

Yesterday, in my post on Mike Huckabee and commutations, I wrote : [T]he politically prudent tactic would have been to simply refuse to grant any leniency—ever. Other governors with their sights set on higher offices had learned that doing nothing—even to correct obvious instances of . . . . Continue Reading »

To Sign or Not to Sign
A Reply to Mr Turk

The occasion of the Manhattan declaration has given an opportunity for a number of evangelicals, including Evangel’s very own very active Frank Turk, to profess that the primary reason he will not sign is that it was done in concert with Roman Catholics, and apparently even worse than that, . . . . Continue Reading »



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