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Climategate: Hide the Decline

This is unbelievable. Apparently the big deal in the “hide the decline” infamous email had to do with what tree ring shows about climate change.  The Daily Mail checked the graphs produced by the UN’s IPPC, and it shows they did just that: When the tree rings (in green) showed . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Reid Makes a Mess

The entire Obamacare saga has been the most dishonest, reckless, and foolish bit of legislating I think I have ever witnessed.  It is a mess,  and it seems quite obvious that our leaders don’t care that it is a mess.  The problem—and particularly, Harry Reid’ s part . . . . Continue Reading »

Do Intellectuals Hurt Society?

I am not a huge fan of Thomas Sowell, It isn’t that I dislike him particularly, it’s just that he doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies. Sowell apparently has a new book out, however, that raises some issues worth pondering.  Sowell believes that intellectuals are hurting . . . . Continue Reading »

Mozart as Sitcom

Maybe I’m getting old and grumpy, but I last night listened with barely-perceptible unease to the last “Marriage of Figaro” at the Metropolitan this season; this morning I had to play through half of the piano score to get ‘it out of my ears. And yet there was nothing really . . . . Continue Reading »

Brownies for Christmas: A Radio Drama

01 Track 1Here is a play I wrote for Christmas . . . and I thought you might enjoy hearing the start of it . . . obviously this is more than a bit tongue in cheek. In the end the play will involve Brownies, who do what angels cannot or will not, and a time traveling Scotsman.Yikes!Here is the . . . . Continue Reading »

An Interview with the Devil Himself

In his current Evangel bio, Frank Turk lists one of his pastimes as “internet mayhem.” As evidenced by the current offense taken to him by Mark Olsen and various commenters at Evangel, he obviously hasn’t lost his spiritual gift in that matter. However, as he read through . . . . Continue Reading »



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