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Shame on Britain!

The Times of London reports:The Jewish Free School has lost the hard-fought case on the criteria for admissions to this sought-after school. The next step might be to challenge equality legislation itself, as the admissions criteria, found to be racially discriminating, was based on the . . . . Continue Reading »

Dignity and Our Biotechnological Future

So I just finished writing an essay defending the Bush/Kass “dignified moral conflict” approach to bioethics from the coming Obama “expert consensus” approach. Here’s an excerpt: Scientific experts are surely right that if our moods are merely random collections of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Delusional Future of Free Association

Kyle draws my attention to these lines from Robin Hanson, who calls “our era the most consistently and consequentially deluded and unadaptive of any era ever:” When they remember us, our distant descendants will be shake their heads at the demographic transition, where we each took far . . . . Continue Reading »

The Genius of Fr. Schall

Always illuminating, Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.  is a philosopher/priest who like Justin the Martyr might find wisdom in Eric Voegelin’s comment that “ . . . Christianity is not an alternative to philosophy, it is philosophy itself in its state of perfection; the history of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Advice for Aspiring Preachers

My son, John, has expressed an interest in becoming a pastor and the other day, after he heard me preach, he asked, “Dad, do you get nervous and scared when you have to preach?” It was an interesting question. I thought for a moment and said, “No, John, honestly, I don’t get . . . . Continue Reading »



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