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The City and The Wall St. Journal

The Wall St. Journal has an article up on the topic of evangelicals and intellectuals.  Now, this would normally interest me in and of itself, but the great part is that the piece mentions Houston Baptist University’s journal The City.We founded the journal as something of . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Holidays Holy Father

As you send out your Christmas cards this year, don’t forget the pope! The Vatican Council for Social Communication’s website has now made it possible to send an electronic Christmas card to the holy father. You can attach pictures to the card and include a personal message: “Dear . . . . Continue Reading »

When Bad Guys Wore Suits

Great point, Rusty . Before the Baby-Boomer culture reset all the standards, even criminals were more serious and self-respecting, as can be seen in this collection of vintage police lineup photos . As Jason Toon says: These natty sharps never would’ve been caught dead in a soiled wifebeater, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Subtle Narcissism of Church Segmentation

I love Greek myths. You may remember the story of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool, staring at himself and finally dying when he realized that he could not “have” himself. The nymph Echo repeated Narcissus’ words endlessly, until she too was reduced to . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: When Heroes Wore Khakis

Whoa, wait a minute Joe . I think there’s a lot more going on in the Dockers ad that marketers trying to bring back trouser creases. I read this ad as a body blow to Baby-Boomer culture—casual Fridays, sloppily dressed professionals, sixty-year olds with sagging guts in blue jeans. And . . . . Continue Reading »

The New Ledger and The End of Secularism

Okay, I’ve pelted you with all manner of material in which I am interviewed about my book by various professional Christian types.  How about one with a website that has a Wall Street and Washington, D.C. focus?My friend Ben Domenech and I founded The City together at Houston Baptist . . . . Continue Reading »



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