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All My Heart, This Night Rejoices!

This is Pastor Paul Gerhardt’s great Christmas hymn. It first appeared in a collection of hymns published in Leipzig by Johann Crüciger in 1653, with the tune that Crüciger specifically prepared for it. The hymn is a sermon on the meaning of Christmas, and a deeply devotional . . . . Continue Reading »

Men Are from Mary, Women Are from Martha

A fun and interesting blogger named Ellen Painter Dollar takes up the seasonal reminiscence we reposted here on the First Things website, ” Dakota Christmas .” She likes my writing—”so gorgeously, lucidly written that I wanted to lay my hands on my laptop screen, hoping I . . . . Continue Reading »

The incarnation: a stumbling block

The following piece appeared in the 8 December 2008 issue of Christian Courier, as part of my monthly column, Principalities & Powers:In the liturgies of some churches, the congregation stands at the reading of the gospel lesson. There may even be a gospel procession in which the celebrant walks . . . . Continue Reading »



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