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We’re just like Oprah

Some people have been hurt in the local church. For some people it’s just a rote activity, as Oprah admits, which she learned as a child. Some of us are much smarter than our local church can bear, and some cannot stand how smart the church thinks it is. Worse still for others: it will simply be completely useless. Continue Reading »

Tea & Tom

The best way to counter the Tea Party movement, which is all about stopping things, is with an Innovation Movement, which is all about starting things. [ . . . ] Obama should bring together the country’s leading innovators and ask them: “What legislation, what tax incentives, do we need . . . . Continue Reading »

Finally Saw Eli

1. It’s very much worth seeing, although it’s far from the best movie ever made. The best Christian movie ever made remains TENDER MERCIES. But Bob may be right and I may be wrong. It could be that the movie’s teaching style doesn’t correspond to my learning style. 2. JWC . . . . Continue Reading »

The Center of God’s Revelation

It never ceases to amaze me how often I forget this profound truth:“The center of God’s revelation is Christ. All that God is to us, He is in Christ. All that we know of God, we know through Christ.” (Henry Eyster Jacobs, Elements of Religion, p. 170).So often we are tempted to . . . . Continue Reading »



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