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The Path of Christianity Lite

The fractured nature of Christianity in America points soberly to the need for Christian unity. Still more difficult to bear is the demise of Christian groups that lose sight of the integrity of the gospel and the tradition that authored it. “ Christianity Lite ,” as Mary Eberstadt coins . . . . Continue Reading »

Authority and servanthood

During the final meeting of the semester in my introductory-level courses I always read aloud to my students Matthew 20:20-28, which tells of the outrageous request made by the mother of James and John to Jesus that he give her two sons the highest places of honour in his kingdom. This, of course, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Genesis of R. Crumb

I suspect I am not alone in admitting that I was initially uncomfortable at the thought of seeing the Book of Genesis depicted in a comic strip—or, as it is commonly called today, a “graphic novel.” Scripture shouldn’t be dumbed down, and the Bible should shed light on our . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Were the Good One-Term Presidents?

In an interview with ABC’s “World News” anchor Diane Sawyer, President Obama said , “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.” I’ll leave the witty retorts to others ( Keep doing what you’re doing, champ. . . . . Continue Reading »

Even Writers Don’t Read Short Fiction

Ted Genoways, editor of the Virginia Literary Quarterly, notes that the supply of short fiction far exceeds the demand : Here at VQR we currently have more than ten times as many submitters each year as we have subscribers. And there’s very, very little overlap. We know—we’ve . . . . Continue Reading »

The One True Science of Virtue

So Marc Guerra (America’s leading theologian) and I are finalists for a big SCIENCE OF VIRTUE grant at the University of Chicago. Although I doubt we’ll win, we deserve to win. That’s because we alone are defending the one true “stuck with virtue” science of virtue. . . . . Continue Reading »



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