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Awaken the Sleeping Christ Within You

When you have to listen to abuse, that means you are being buffeted by the wind. When your anger is roused, you are being tossed by the waves. So when the winds blow and the waves mount high, the boat is in danger, your heart is imperiled, your heart is taking a battering. On hearing yourself . . . . Continue Reading »

The decline of psalms in the liturgy

This is a sad account of the decline of Psalms in the western liturgy taken from the 1913 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia under the entry for “Gradual”. I have taken the liberty of breaking it up into paragraphs and deleting the source citations for easier reading.Gradual, in . . . . Continue Reading »

The Witness of Weirdness

One of the main themes of Evangel’s early days was evangelicals’ complex relationship to culture.I recently came across Evangel contributor Dr. Russell Moore’s astute analysis on the question from 2007 in the pages of Touchstone, the other ecumenical magazine of record.Dr. . . . . Continue Reading »

What if it was Ted Bundy?

Katha Pollitt’s article at The Nation (Focus on the Fetus) continues the unchanging rhetoric of the Left’s support for death. She repeats the same old, tired arguments against choice. There is nothing new here. But there is something old that bears notice.She complains about the monies . . . . Continue Reading »

Real Lives

See: Peter is saying that this empty tomb changes the way we have to see the world.

Some people might see that as a set up for a great movie about zombies, right? Continue Reading »

Hosting the Holy One

I am currently reading the Book of Exodus. I remember teaching this peculiar book to high school students. All showed interest in the exodus narrative, some in the sojourn narrative, and none in the Sinai narrative. I guess contemporary Americans are not much different than ancient Israelites: we . . . . Continue Reading »



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