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Calvin and the Snowman

On this snowbound east-coast day, everybody and her brother is linking to a page of old Calvin and Hobbes comic strips, which gathers all the snowman strips from that great cartoon series. And why not? “It’s a sordid story.” . . . . Continue Reading »

The Witness of Being Weird

One of the main themes of the early days of First Things ’ Evangel blog was evangelicals’ complex relationship to culture. I recently came across Evangel contributor Russell Moore’s astute analysis on the question from 2007 in the pages of Touchstone , the other ecumenical magazine . . . . Continue Reading »

When you fast . . .

Did you know that our Lord Jesus Christ assumed that His disciples would fast, just as He assumed they would pray? Jesus commended fasting as a private act of humility and devotion to God (see Matthew 6:16-18). Note particularly that he says, “When you fast...” not “If you . . . . Continue Reading »

Fouling a Three-Point Shooter

During Georgetown’s game against Providence this week, at 7:24 in the second half, Austin Freeman was called for a foul, leaping out against a three-point shot by Vincent Council. And, on the television broadcast, the announcer Len Elmore—normally very good—did a little of sports . . . . Continue Reading »

Speaking of Doctrinal Statements . . .

Houston Baptist University has an institutional “preamble” which sets the tone for everything we do.  I think it is quite good and has served us well.  We do have a variety of Christians working at the university (including Catholics).  All must affirm the preamble. . . . . Continue Reading »



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