In the wake of the endorsement of the current health-reform bill by Sister Carol Keehan, president of the Catholic Health Association, Archbishop Chaput of Denver has issued this statement: In the past two days, congressional leaders and the White House have brought tremendous pressure on prolife . . . . Continue Reading »
Obamacare would require each and every one of us buy private health insurance unless we are covered by our employers. That sure seems unconstitutional to me. While the Feds certainly have the power to regulate commerce among the states, I don’t think they have the power to require . . . . Continue Reading »
Sorry, guys, it’s true: Women have scienceevolutionary psychology!on their side of the debate about which sex are better drivers. According to the Social Issues Research Centre , our Fred Flintstone-era brains cause us to drive erratically: The differences between the sexes in . . . . Continue Reading »
As an Irishman, on my father’s side, I’m very pleased to celebrate Saint Patrick’s day as the day to honor the one who was instrumental in bringing the Gospel to my ancestoral people and home. Here from “” is the real story of Saint Patrick:If you ask people who Saint Patrick . . . . Continue Reading »
To our shame, most evangelical Protestants tend to think of Saint Patrick as a leprechaun. As we watch the annual drunken parades and pop-culture consumerism of the March holiday, no one could seem more removed from biblical Christianity than Patrick. And yet, Patrick’s life was closer to a . . . . Continue Reading »
I have long thought that bioethics is something of a pseudo field. Not that the matters with which it grapples are not important. They are crucial. And not that its thinkers are not morally serious—they are. But it has always seemed to me that bioethics lacks focus, e.g., that . . . . Continue Reading »
David Goldman says that Democrats should pay for their appeasement of Iran : It is easy for Republicans to chide the Administration for taking an inappropriately hostile tone for an American ally popular with the public [Israel]. But the real scandal in American foreign policy, and the . . . . Continue Reading »
The news of a $30 million, 3D movie of the creation account based on the Book of Genesis is a reminder that throughout history people have been awed and thrilled by retellings of their cultures creation story. Aztecs would tell of the Lady of the Skirt of Snakes, Phoenicians about the . . . . Continue Reading »
Animal rights activists would never stop screaming if the actions they take were directed against them. They demand the right to free speech—which some activists expand beyond recognition to include threats, intimidation, and even bombings—but have little problem with denying it to . . . . Continue Reading »
Note to Joel Osteen: When you get called out for not preaching the gospel by Benny Hinnyes, Benny Hinnit might be time to consider a new profession.Benny sounds a bit like Mark Driscoll in this video (and that’s a good thing). (Via: Rae . . . . Continue Reading »