At Tablet , Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, secretary general of the Italian Muslim Assembly, makes the Quranic argument for Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel : Over the past 15 years, the political conflict between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs has been reframed as a religious war in which . . . . Continue Reading »
Marriage, in what is evidently its most popular version, is now on the one hand an intimate relationship involving (ideally) two successful careerists in the same bed, and on the other hand a sort of private political system in which rights and interests must be constantly asserted and . . . . Continue Reading »
Some critics of Intelligent Design conflate the movement with creationism. Of course forms of Intelligent Design can be creationist, but arguably others (like that of Aristotle on some readings of the philosopher) are not. I am both a creationist and one who believes there exists evidence for . . . . Continue Reading »
As someone who believes that bacon should be one of the four food groups, I am certainly sympathetic to your argument , David. However, I think the case you made has the unfortunate unintended effect of undercutting a key argument against abortion. The abortion debate often hinges on the question . . . . Continue Reading »
I have greatly benefited from the Veritas Forum and often browse their lectures for some of the best presentations on the most important topics. I have often wished that some of them were edited in a book to have ready on hand for simple referencing. Today I saw that IVP will publish a . . . . Continue Reading »
Having attended last Friday a forum on the ethics of food animal product hosted by the National Catholic Bioethics Center , I was particularly interested in the Times Literary Supplement ‘s review of Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals . It is an uncritical and even fawning review and . . . . Continue Reading »
Moral equivalency is a matter of dogma in the mainstream media: When five hundred Christians were massacred in their homes by machete-wielding Muslims in Nigeria’s Plateau Province on the night of March 7, news reports claimed it was simply retaliation for previous attacks on Muslims. That is . . . . Continue Reading »
This is primarily to the Lutherans out there, although I think the question pertinent to many Evangelicals as well: What think ye of the Sabbath rest today? Even though we lay under a new dispensation, are we still not instructed to rest from our labors on the Lord’s Day, the new Sabbath for a . . . . Continue Reading »
Mary O’Callaghan on seeing the image of God in children with Down Syndrome : [A]fter seeing the online ridicule of Down Syndrome children, I wonder whether the deepest sorrow that pierced Marys heart was not the physical suffering of her son, but the cruel taunts and mockery to which he . . . . Continue Reading »
A group of Muslim raiders with machetes attacked another Christian village in Nigeria on Wednesday morning. The attackers killed twelve villagersseven women, four children, and one manand cut their tongues out. Attackers killed 12 people Wednesday morning in a small Christian village in . . . . Continue Reading »