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I am, to say the least, concerned

Pelosi, Obama, and Friends would like this “health care” legislation assessed as though it is independent of the broader goals of the administration. But this administration, and the Congress that does his bidding, plans for this nation which must not be divorced from the whole — . . . . Continue Reading »

The Gospel According to Maureen Dowd

The nuns are giving the Democrats cover. As Bob Casey, an abortion opponent who helped negotiate the abortion language in the Senate bill, observed, quoting Scripture: ‘They care for ‘the least, the last and the lost.’ And they know health care. — Let’s hope those nuns are . . . . Continue Reading »

Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Finance

That’s the title of this morning’s “Spengler” essay at Asia Times. I’ve never seen anything quite like this, except, of course, in Japan during the 1990s—but not on a global scale, and not with the world’s main reserve currency. The global banking system is . . . . Continue Reading »

A Different Political World

Meghan McArdle claims that with the passage of Obamacare we are in a different political world : One cannot help but admire Nancy Pelosi’s skill as a legislator. But it’s also pretty worrying. Are we now in a world where there is absolutely no recourse to the tyranny of the majority? . . . . Continue Reading »

Thinkers Who have Influenced Me

There are so many books that have influenced my life that I’m not sure I can reduce the list to just 10 titles. So I offer a list of thinkers who have had the most impact on my development as a Christian thinker (in no particular order).Greg Bahnsen, Cornelius Van Til, Carl F. H. Henry, Nancy . . . . Continue Reading »



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