A solid and interesting report , in the Times of London, on the walking disaster of Human Rights Watch. How does an organization that began as Helsinki Watch, dedicated to revealing human-rights abuses behind the Iron Curtain, turn into an institution so ragingly anti-Western that the . . . . Continue Reading »
Compared to the tempestuous beginning of upsets, blowouts, and close-calls, Round 2 proved to be quite tame. The powerhouse books trampled their competition without much effort. (The lone surprise was that the low-brow favorite Hunt for Red October trouncing the literary champ, Herzog .) Each of . . . . Continue Reading »
Over on the Evangel blog, Gayle Trotter reviews Mary Eberstadt’s new book, The Loser Letters : The Loser Letters, Eberstadts first published work of fiction, draws on a long satirical tradition from Juvenal to The Screwtape Letters. Eberstadts protagonist, a young woman named A. . . . . Continue Reading »
A few years ago, Secondhand Smokette and I were in Europe. We interacted with people who, it would be fair to say, are part of the intelligentsia and political ruling classes. They hated President Bush, which did not surprise us. But the cause of their loathing did: It wasn’t . . . . Continue Reading »
I for one am thrilled to hear that John Piper has asked for, and been granted, an eight month leave from each of his ministries.But I don’t quite know why I’m so excited by his decision. After all, eight months is a relatively short amount of time, and I don’t know Piper at . . . . Continue Reading »
Today our church entertained a special speaker, Sarah Flashing, who provided us with an interesting perspective on euthanasia and eugenics. One of her central points was to draw the relationship between the two by exampling how they are inter-related.When eugenics is promoted it is at the . . . . Continue Reading »
This puzzles me: If a main point of Obamacare is to control costs—the real point is raw power, but never mind—then taxing medical devices that are so integral to the delivery of health care makes no sense. Yet, Obamacare imposes an excise tax on medical device . . . . Continue Reading »
In an anything-but-apologetic apologia, Mary Eberstadt challenges the many spokesmen (and they are almost all men) for the New Atheism in her satire, The Loser Letters. Reminiscent of Ted Turner’s infamous comment that Christianity is a religion for losers, the Loser in this book is . . . . Continue Reading »
Raymond de Souza demolishes the awful New York Times story attacking Pope Benedict: The story is false. It is unsupported by its own documentation. Indeed, it gives every indication of being part of a coordinated campaign against Pope Benedict, rather than responsible journalism. Read the whole . . . . Continue Reading »
Let’s see: Nancy Pelosi has an 11% approval rating, and Harry Reid a whopping 9%. It’s not a coincidence that they are the prime architects of Obamacare. But the president isn’t faring so well, either. He got a small bump in all the media cheer leading, but his approval . . . . Continue Reading »