While it’s still unclear how LOST will ultimately end up, some recent developments seem to provide a good illustration of one way people have chosen to resolve the problem that has plagued humanity throughout history: Deep down, we know we deserve justice from God, but we want grace. How can . . . . Continue Reading »
Sean Curnyn reviews the new, posthumously-released Johnny Cash album, American VI: Aint No Grave : We may forget, because of his tremendous presence, both on stage and in the arena of memory, that he was a man practicing a profession. If anyone ever seemed like the proverbial force of nature, . . . . Continue Reading »
Amidst all the fury over the Bush stem cell funding restrictions, every once in a while stories would appear indicating that the field was really being stifled not by funding problems—I’ll say—ESCR received more than $2 billion in private/public funding during the Bush . . . . Continue Reading »
One of Manhattans most illustrious Episcopal congregations, Saint Thomas Church is best known for its glorious liturgical music and the stunning architecture of its 1913 church building, in French High Gothic style, on Fifth Avenue at Fifty-Third Street. The churchs choir of men and . . . . Continue Reading »
Randy Barnett at the Volokh Conspiracy makes presents a solid case that the recently passed health care legislation should be deemed unconstitutional (though the Supreme Court likely won’t overturn it): The individual mandate goes far beyond these previous acts. Congress has never before . . . . Continue Reading »
Blowouts and nail-bitersin Round 3 there was no in between. Blowouts: The Brothers Karamazov sailed past Moby-Dick , The Lord of the Rings not-so-humbly beat Pride and Prejudice , and Pilgrims Progress swept away Charlottes Web each by a margin of 2 to 1. One Hundred Years . . . . Continue Reading »
As Jason Kottke says, ” This is probably the best way to see the Sistine Chapel aside from getting on a plane to Rome.” You may have seen this already but if not, it’s worth a look. . . . . Continue Reading »
The Daily News reports this morning : “A Queens manenraged because his wife refused to have an abortionslashed her throat and then stabbed her sister in the stomach Monday night in front of a room full of children.” Ain’t you glad that legalized abortion set women free . . . . Continue Reading »
Undoubtedly you have read something about the FBI raids in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.From that linked story, there’s this self-description of these people the FBI is taking into custody:Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment. The only . . . . Continue Reading »
My review of Ian McEwan’s latest novel , Solar , is available online at the Wall Street Journal , for those who’ve followed the interesting British writer’s career: You ever see those old film clips of the early days of airplane flight? Wild contraptions of mismatched parts, . . . . Continue Reading »