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Tiny Poems, Straight and Strong

On Saturday, poet Samuel Menashe—who has a new poem in the April issue —gave a poetry reading at the 96th Street Library here in New York. Sean Curnyn recorded the event and offered his own reflection: It’s funny: Although one’s enjoyment of Menashe’s poems certainly can . . . . Continue Reading »

A Jewish Defense of a Catholic Preacher

Yesterday’s Jerusalem Pos t features an op-ed by Alon Goshen-Gottstei n that defends Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa’s Good Friday sermon last week at St. Peters in Rome. The sermon was in the news because Fr. Cantalamessa drew parallels between the recent media treatment of the pedophilia . . . . Continue Reading »

Suicide Tourism Tears Family Apart

Assisted suicide has tremendous power to rend family unity and sow distrust over motives. A recent suicide tourism case in the UK—in which a rich widow committed suicide, changing her will to benefit the son who helped—illustrates the danger. From the story:DETECTIVES are investigating . . . . Continue Reading »


And now, a bit of news I’m excited to share: I’ve signed on as Managing Editor at Ricochet, a new online political forum coming your way in a matter of weeks. Feast your pre-launch curiosity at Facebook and Twitter . There’ll be details to follow, of course. Meanwhile, life will . . . . Continue Reading »

A Jewish Defense of Benedict XVI

Three cheers for Ross Douthat’s spirited defense of Benedict XVI as the uncharismatic successor who had to clean a set of messes left by his great predecessor John Paul II is heartening. Douthat writes: . . . the high-flying John Paul let scandals spread beneath his feet, and the . . . . Continue Reading »

A Divisive Scandal

In today’s “On the Square” article, Another Long Lent , George Weigel asks “where do things stand, two and a half weeks into what at first seemed poised to become a scandal as devastating as the Catholic Church in America’s Long Lent of eight years ago?” And . . . . Continue Reading »



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