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The “Unfairly Demonized” Church

A respondent on the English Catholic writer Damian Thompson’s Holy Smoke weblog quotes a useful passage from a recent book that defended Pope Benedict XVI from his detractors: Others have noted that we live in a time of hysteria about paedophilia, a mob psychology that calls to mind the Salem . . . . Continue Reading »

Newsweek Loves Kevorkian

The revisionist project to create a fictional Jack Kevorkian as merely a lovable, if sometimes tactless, man of compassion—rather the misanthropic and ghoulish nut that he really is—continues.  (See Kevorkian paintings I uploaded to accompany this post.  He sometimes used human . . . . Continue Reading »

The Jewish Tripwire

World Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder blasts American policy towards Israel in a letter published today in major American newspapers. He writes:Mr. President, we are concerned about the dramatic deterioration of diplomatic relations between the United States and Israel.The Israeli housing . . . . Continue Reading »



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