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Risk Management

An interesting point from Simon Jenkins, in ” Volcanic Ash is the New Swine Flu Panic “: The truth is that putting large, heavy bits of metal into the air is just too much for the psyche of modern regulators. They panic. The slightest risk cannot be taken or someone might blame the . . . . Continue Reading »

A Set of Propositions

These principles are some of my personal first principles for what a church is and how a church ought behave. These come out of my mixed theological background – some Mennonite, Conservative Baptist, and E Free, and uncompromisingly an historic dispensationalist. I welcome your feedback.You . . . . Continue Reading »

What the Goldman, Sachs scandal is about

In the new corporatism, where governments bail out banks and banks bail out the government, the question continuously arises: who’s the senior partner in the merger?The government bailed out the banks, of course. The banks are now financing the deficits of governments. As I’ve documented . . . . Continue Reading »

Decter on America’s Heavy Burdens

In the Washington Times today, Midge Decter recollects the responsibility the United States shouldered during the Cold War and reflects on what our role in the world should be today: So what is now to be our role in the world? To begin with, it must be said that to no other nation can such words be . . . . Continue Reading »

Anthony Flew, RIP

We were sad to hear recently of the passing of prominent atheist-turned-deist Antony Flew, whose obituary can be found at the London Times . He was, among a multitude of accomplishments, the author of There is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind . A piece he penned . . . . Continue Reading »

Prank Phone Calls as Domestic Terrorism

Domestic terrorists are not always violent, but they are almost always cowardly. Take, for example, the despicable hoax perpetrated on the families of Vermont National Guardsmen: The late-night phone calls were wrenching for the Vermont families of soldiers serving in Afghanistan — a stranger . . . . Continue Reading »



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