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Mandatory Sterilization in China

Some of the most earnest global warming alarmists look to China as the model for radically controlling human population in order to SAVE THE PLANET!  But that is to long for tyranny.  Example: China is forcing thousands of people to be involuntarily sterilized for violating the “one . . . . Continue Reading »

The Permanent Scandal of the Vatican

In the latest issue of The Weekly Standard , Joseph Bottum has an essay on anti-Catholicism and the obsession over the scandals raging in Europe: The day the Antichrist is ripped from his papal throne, true religion will guide the world. Or perhaps it’s the day the last priest is gutted, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Mary Eberstadt on the Loser Letters

National Review Online interviews Mary Eberstad t about her new book, “New Atheism,” and the Facebook generation: LOPEZ: Does the Right not do enough of this type of writing? EBERSTADT: The Right doesn’t get nearly enough credit for the fact that the funniest writers are on the . . . . Continue Reading »

Solomon’s ‘wisdom’ and the law of God

Every time I read through the Bible I notice something I had not seen before. Last year I read again the historical books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. This time something struck me that I had not noticed in previous readings. At the beginning of I Kings 3 we read that “Solomon loved the . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Ad

Joe— The wind ad took me a while; it was a second or two after the ad ended before I got that he actually is the wind, and all the things he had done before were wind things. Clips of wonderful ads are a little less of a joy and surprise now that YouTube has made seeing them easy, but . . . . Continue Reading »

African Belief

The BBC supplies Ten Things We have Learnt About Africa , summarizing a Pew report on sub-Saharan African religious and moral beliefs, and their material well-being as well. Religious belief was unsurprisingly high — roughly 80% believing in God in some way — though that is not an unmixed . . . . Continue Reading »

The Soccer Partner and Mr. W

Jody : That Berlitz commercial is one my favorites too. Here are a couple of other foreign gems: The Soccer Partner Stick around until the end to understand this charming commercial. Mr. W This ad for Epuron GmbH, created by the Nordpol+Hamburg agency, won the Golden Lion for best advertising spot . . . . Continue Reading »

The Coming War in Southern Sudan?

“Until he reached the White House, Barack Obama repeatedly insisted that the United States apply more pressure on Sudan so as to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe in Darfur and elsewhere. Yet, as president, Mr. Obama and his aides have caved, leaving Sudan gloating at American weakness,” . . . . Continue Reading »

Hubble Celebrates 20-Year Anniversary

It is twenty years since the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was launched. Though plagued by cost overruns, and a ghastly blunder in manufacturing the main mirror that had to be corrected by a Space Shuttle mission in December 1993 (which, essentially, put corrective eyeglasses on the telescope), the . . . . Continue Reading »



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