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The Augustine Question

One of the wonderful moments in St. Augustine’s Confessions returned to me in force from out of the blue. Now, I’ve not been a Christian for long in my adult life, having been raised within the fold of the Church, but having fallen away for 20 years of my adult life until fairly . . . . Continue Reading »

On Knowing Your Interpretive Methods

We begin with the axiom that all things are interpreted. We interpret the world around us according to our personal framework — our world view and our presumed method(s) for arriving at an accurate conclusion. We may learn these frameworks from others and subsequently tailor them as needed to . . . . Continue Reading »

A Pastoral Standpoint

I have no idea how long ago I received my review copy of Abide by Jared C. Wilson, but it has had me on a guilt trip every since it came in the mail box.See: Jared and I sort of met because we both started blogging at Evangel, and I think we weren’t supposed to like each other. He’s a . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Murder in Our Hearts

In a few weeks I will start reading through the student evaluations of the faculty members I supervise.  My favorite part of this task is scanning the written comments for the kinds of nuggets that only students can produce.  Perhaps my all-time favorite came to my attention . . . . Continue Reading »

Time to Pony Up!

First Things , our generous host magazine, is now having its annual online fundraising week. This week only they’re offering to their readers a special subscription rate of $19.95 for the print magazine. To get this deal, readers have to go to this page ( . . . . Continue Reading »

A Doctrine in Limbo

Among the many ironies punctuating Catholic history, one of the more curious is the spectacle of theologians, dedicated to expounding doctrine on the God who “is love” (1 John 4:8), insisting that infants who die unbaptized will never see God. But, in a letter published in the print . . . . Continue Reading »

Koyzis’ law: ‘Eet smakelijk’

I published the following piece in the last-but-one issue (November 1990) of The Reformed Journal. Given First Things’ ongoing effort to increase mutual understanding between Catholics and evangelicals, I thought my piece might provoke some movement in that direction, so I post it below for . . . . Continue Reading »

The Beast Never Fails to Feast

One of the most encouraging trends of the last few months has been conservatives finally admitting what most of us have always known: The “starve the beast” strategy—the idea that the best way to shrink the size of the federal government is to continually keep taxes . . . . Continue Reading »



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