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Austrian Bishop Makes Usual Remarks

A soon (we hope) to retire Austrian bishop says all the usual things, according to Austrian Bishop Questions Celibacy (the link is to a shorter version of the story than the one I received). Let priests marry, ordain women (maybe), let divorced and remarried couples receive communion, and be nice . . . . Continue Reading »

Unidiversity Education

Mark Bauerlein notes a Steve Chatman’s study , which seems to show that students majoring in ethnic studies tend to have a less-diverse—ah, that word!—college experience, interacting less often than do, say, math majors, with students of other ethnic backgrounds. What’s more, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Vincible Ignorance of Atheism

David Hart’s recent essay on the New Atheists has been receiving a great deal of attention—and criticism. At the risk of piling on, I have to add a complaint of my own. There is one part of his essay where he stretches a congenial concession into a dangerously misleading claim: Skepticism . . . . Continue Reading »

Singing the Psalms: Ascension Day

Today the church recalls the ascension of Christ to heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God the Father. In the liturgies for this day, the assigned psalm is often Psalm 47: “God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing . . . . Continue Reading »

Elena Kagan, Careerist Enigma

Here David Brooks makes the argument that Elena Kagan, Obama’s latest nominee to the Supreme Court, is reminscent of our elite schools’ “Organization Kids”—bright, disciplined, articulate, and well-meaning junior careerists who do everything necessary to get ahead in . . . . Continue Reading »



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