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Breaking News from the PR Department

From my inbox, a press release about a new book: Everyone loves to wonder ‘what if,’ but it took one very creative writer to take it to the next level and imagine what would happen if a modern-day Jesus became a judge on a famous TV talent show a ‘sacred’ Simon Cowell! Please . . . . Continue Reading »

Beinart’s Eulogy for Liberal Judaism

Peter Beinart, the former editor of The New Republic ,  laments the failure of the American Jewish establishment to present the universalizing, leftist, secular side of Israel to young Americans whose interest in Israel is small compared to that of their elders. His New York Review of Books . . . . Continue Reading »

Facts Don’t Save

Free Inquiry is a magazine in whose title the word “free” seems to mean freedom from having to include God in their inquiries, but not the freedom to include Him. The magazine is published by the Council for Secular Humanism, and as their homepage says, “The Council promotes . . . . Continue Reading »

The Return of Scientism

Sometimes its hard to not to despair for the lack of intellectual sophistication in our culture. Rather than making progress, it seems that we too often slide back into acceptance of scholarly fads that had previously been discarded for being inane. Consider, for example, the return of of scientism . . . . Continue Reading »

Said vs. Knew?

1. So I took a few days off and now come back to this distinction, with a lot of fine comments in the thread. 2. Our Founders built better than they said. Is that because no theory can comprehend great practice? Or because there’s no theory adequate to the truth about who we are? In both . . . . Continue Reading »

Honoring Ralph McInerny (Next Year)

Very long-term notice: A conference honoring Ralph McInerny, the late philosopher (novelist, poet, essayist, activist, journalist, etc.) and friend to this magazine and many of its editors and writers, and in fact a man who seems to have been a real friend of almost everyone he met. . . . . Continue Reading »



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