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Catholics Killed While on Mission in 2009

Agenzia Fides , the Vatican’s missionary press agency, has published the names of Catholics killed while on mission in 2009. According to the report, 30 priests, 2 religious sisters, 2 seminarians, and 3 lay volunteers were killed last year—nearly twice the number killed in 2008. The . . . . Continue Reading »

My Commencement Address at Wheaton

I want to thank Wheaton College , out here in Illinois, for inviting me to give this year’s commencement address. I recognize that, as a practicing Catholic, I was a difficult choice for the school to make—since Wheaton College is, after all, the school so well featured in the movie . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Massachusetts Storm Warning

Massachusetts’ experiment with a form of Obamacare is failing, with the state’s insurance companies in terrible financial trouble because of the heavy hand of politicized premium regulation. From the story:The four major Massachusetts health insurers yesterday posted first-quarter losses . . . . Continue Reading »

Barack Hussein Obubble

Barack Hussein Obubble: the moniker fits, now that the grand Keynesian scheme of refloating the world economy on a tide of government debt has come undone. Global stock markets fell 3 percent to 4 percent overnight because American incompetence and American weakness have combined to make the world . . . . Continue Reading »

Ukrainian Freedoms, Russian Interests

In Storm Clouds in Ukraine , today’s “On the Square” article, George Weigel warns of what he calls “an exercise in hardball politics under the veil of public piety that was, in fact, a harbinger of danger for religious freedom, for Ukrainian democracy, and for the future of . . . . Continue Reading »



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