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A Gay Catholic Voice Against Same-Sex Marriage

Last Friday the New York Times ran a profile of blogger Eve Tushnet, a “celibate, gay, conservative, Catholic writer”: While gay sex should not be criminalized, she said, gay men and lesbians should abstain. They might instead have passionate friendships, or sublimate their urges into . . . . Continue Reading »

The Great Theologians

The virtue of Gerald McDermott’s The Great Theologians is that it condenses the central contributions of eleven of history’s most influential Christian thinkers into a readable and accesible format.And McDermott makes this seem easy.The Great Theologians introduces a rather . . . . Continue Reading »

The Classic Style

Correspondence with a writer reminded me of a book on writing I really like, and like to recommend: Mark Turner and Francis-Noel Thomas’s Clear and Simple as the Truth . Here is  the book’s website and their on-line course guide . These I had not known about, and commend them to . . . . Continue Reading »

“Chosen, But Not Special”

I find this Michael Chabon op-ed , written in the wake of Israel’s interception of the Gaza flotilla, to be remarkable, and not in a good way. A few extremely cleverly oblique references to God, while the figure who identifies that God rather than merely naming him — guess who? — . . . . Continue Reading »

White African Christ from Space

So that’s the first of what will probably turn out to be a large number of quotable lines from the very funny GET HIM TO THE GREEK. As far as I know, this is the first really enjoyable movie of the year (CITY ISLAND is a decent but distant second). It would be easy and right to say it’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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