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Bleg: Some N.T. References Sought

One week from Saturday, I’m giving an oral final/homily to a (late vocations) N.T. class that I’m taking. I had a suggestion to do my homily concentrating on the topic of tolerance. Right now I’m thinking of starting (and wrapping up?) with a look at the section in John in which . . . . Continue Reading »

Mortification of the Flesh

I’ve been reading John Cassian’s Conferences lately, a work that along with his Institutes were written at the beginning of the fifth century. Cassian’s goal is to convey to his Latin-speaking readers the spiritual wisdom of early Egyptian monasticism, and he lived with the monks . . . . Continue Reading »

C.S. Lewis, Diversity Advocate

Diversity is a great idea. To promote diversity with respect to race, age, art and music, nationality, and the like is to encourage a broader perspective and a more fully human experience of life. It’s a marvelous way to uncover and correct blind spots in one’s outlook.Like most great . . . . Continue Reading »

The Dangerous Iran

In today’s “On the Square” article, Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Capability , former deputy assistant secretary of defense for combating weapons of mass destruction and negotiations policy Jack David writes of the dangers facing the world and the hard decisions Iran’s . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pastor’s Page

Lutheran pastor and frequent contributor Russell E. Saltzman has just published a short, enjoyable, and stimulating book called The Pastor’s Page , published by the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau . It’s a collection of letters from his parish newsletter, and dedicated to Father . . . . Continue Reading »



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