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The Modern Slave Trade

There are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Human trafficking is occurring in every nation on earth— including the U.S. : The 373-page “Trafficking in Persons Report 2010” says some 12.3 million adults and children . . . . Continue Reading »

The threefold purpose of sex

Here’s an instructive passage from one of my favorite contemporary Christian writers.From Lauren F. Winner, Real Sex: The Naked Truth About ChastityChristian tradition has historically articulated a threefold purpose for sex: sex is meant to be unitive, procreative, and sacramental. That . . . . Continue Reading »

Withheld Writing

“For many of us who love the act of writing—even when we are writing against a deadline with an editor waiting for the copy—there is something monastic about the process, a confrontation with one’s thoughts that has a value apart from the proximity or even perhaps the . . . . Continue Reading »

Proof That God Hates Kitsch

“Touchdown Jesus” statue destroyed by lightning : Touchdown Jesus, more properly known as King of Kings, was one of southwest Ohio’s best known — and biggest — landmarks: A fixture at the Solid Rock Church by Monroe, Ohio since it was completed in 2004, it had a 42-foot . . . . Continue Reading »



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