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Pope Benedict Champions the Angelic Doctor

Pope Benedict devoted the talk at yesterday’s general audience to a full throated commendation of the theology of St. Thomas. After detailing the way in which the Angelic Doctor gets the relation of faith and reason just right, the Pope concludes : St. Thomas offers us a wide and enduring . . . . Continue Reading »

Too Long a Road

Something a parent thinks about: Long Road to Adulthood Is Growing Even Longer : People between 20 and 34 are taking longer to finish their educations, establish themselves in careers, marry, have children and become financially independent . . . .  Marriage and parenthood — once seen as . . . . Continue Reading »

The Fire Needs Wood

In The Neglected Fireplace: Protestantism and the Arts , today’s “On the Square” article, Matthew Milliner argues that “Protestant churches have come to a new level of liturgical maturity, understanding the necessity for restraint, humility, and historical precedent . . . . Continue Reading »

Notre Dame All Over Again?

In May of last year, Joseph Bottum gave account in “ At the Gates of Notre Dame ” of the perfect storm set in motion by the University of Notre Dame’s public veneration of President Obama, which brought preexisting tensions between public Catholicism and university life to a head. . . . . Continue Reading »

Goldman Sachs: Ethics for Sale

At the end of their 4-page Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Goldman Sachs declares that they reserve the right to “waive” certain provisions contained in the document. Well that certainly makes for an easy conscience, doesn’t it? American Public Media’s Kai Ryssdal . . . . Continue Reading »



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