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Riding Away

In Riding Away , today’s “On the Square” article, Joseph Bottum . . . no, just read it. Any teaser I could give you would give away too much. But it does begin this way: She was wiry and whip-thin, like most of the kids who come off the ranches, and like nearly all of them, she . . . . Continue Reading »

Parenthood Wins Hands Down

“Many conclude that if you value your happiness and spending money, the only way to win the modern parenting game is not to play. Low fertility looks like a sign that we’ve finally grasped the winning strategy,” writes Bryan Caplan in  The Breeder’s Cup , published in . . . . Continue Reading »

Stieg Larsson’s Swedish Sermons

“It’s this integration of the mundane and the mythic that enables the trilogy to hold its readers in thrall,” explains’s Laura Miller in Why We Can’t Get Enough of Stieg Larsson’s Hacker Heroine . I had picked up at the library the first book of . . . . Continue Reading »

How Then Shall We Respond

1. BP is responsible for the gulf oil problem. No doubt.2. The Constitution has something to say about wrongs and payment:No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval . . . . Continue Reading »



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