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The Axis of Evil Dead

“The specter of an uprising of reanimated corpses,” says political scientist Dan Drezner, “ . . . poses a significant challenge to interpreters of international relations and the theories they use to understand the world.” In his amusing essay for Foreign Policy magazine, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Accra Confession and the WCRC

At Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, the inaugural meeting of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) is taking place this week. This organization brings together two predecessor ecumenical organizations, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) and the Reformed Ecumenical . . . . Continue Reading »

Defining social justice

Christianity Today carries an interview with my friend and sometime co-conspirator, Gideon Strauss, the new chief executive officer of the Center for Public Justice.  I was struck by this exchange:Define justice. How does it differ from public justice and social justice?In the biggest sense, . . . . Continue Reading »

Cardinal Ratzinger on the World Cup

The Catholic News Agency reports that L’Osservatore Romano has reprinted some 1985 comments by then-cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on the World Cup and what its fans call “the beautiful game”: “The fascination with soccer,” he wrote, “lies essentially in that it forces man . . . . Continue Reading »

Senate Should Defeat Berwick Nomination

This is good. The nomination of Donald Berwick to head Medicare/Medicaid will not receive unanimous consent in the Senate. Berwick, SHSes will recall, supports socialized medicine and health care rationing—views that were supported by Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius. From the . . . . Continue Reading »

Gen. McChrystal and the Losing War

“You can’t buy an Arab, but you can rent one,” said the late Abba Eban. Gen. David Petraeus “surge” strategy in Iraq amounted to putting 100,000 Sunni fighters on the payroll of the American army. Rather than continue random acts of terror against the Shi’ite . . . . Continue Reading »



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