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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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August Aphorism #7

The cultural revolution of the Sixties was brewing in the Fifties. Bourgeois hypocrisy was no longer sincere. Discrete winks were on their way to head shaking nods. . . . . Continue Reading »

An August Aphorism

I’ve been trying my hand at aphorisms.  It seems like a pencil twirling, stare out the window, August thing to do.  Here’s one. A rich irony: diversity is the slogan used by progressives to avoid talking to people they disagree with. . . . . Continue Reading »

Beers at the White House

Good for President Obama. In the aftermath of his foolish, off the cuff remarks about the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr., the President took some advice from police sergeant James Crowley and invited the duo to the White House for beers and a chat. Gates is still clinging to a false reading of . . . . Continue Reading »



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