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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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Stephen Toulmin, 1922-2009

Stephen Toulmin died earlier this month . He was a leader of the generation that come of age after World War II and made its way out of the wilderness of logical positivism. An enemy of arid rationalism and the foolish belief in the omni-competence of science, his work did a great deal to revive in . . . . Continue Reading »

A Parody of Modern Subjectivism

In the latest issue of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly , Father Thomas Weinandy, O.F.M. dissects a feeble effusion of what passes for theological progressivism these days from the pen of Terrance Tilley. Tilley is a professor of theology at Fordham and an old warhorse of the American . . . . Continue Reading »

Cornell West: A Parody of an Academic Celebrity

Ouch. If you’re interested in somebody taking Cornel West to the intellectual, literary, and ethical woodshed, go over to Inside Higher Ed to read Scott McLemee’s review of Cornel West’s recently published as-told-to memoir. (Yes, the professor hired a ghost writer!) McLemee is right. Cornel . . . . Continue Reading »

Final August Aphorism

The languid month has run its course, and I’ve pretty much run out of worthwhile aphorisms.  Maybe I ran out awhile ago.  In any event, I have a final bon mot that Russ Saltzman sent me a couple of weeks ago. Never become so cynical as to believe that things can’t get worse. . . . . Continue Reading »

August Aphorisms #13

The new elitism includes everybody on the condition that they include everybody. Of course, that turns about to be almost nobody, which is why the those who preach inclusion can remain so smugly elitist. . . . . Continue Reading »

August Aphorisms #9

Karl Barth sometimes tempts me to imagine that I’m talking about God when I’m talking about theology in a loud voice. . . . . Continue Reading »



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