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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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UVA Does the Right Thing

It took some hard work and arm twisting, but Wes Siler, the former head of the Burke Society at the University of Virginia, managed to secure approval for a course on conservatism . As I wrote some months ago in “ The Civic Failure of Higher Education ,” the ideological homogeneity of . . . . Continue Reading »

Reno on Henry James

First Things readers ought to know about Azure , a smart, English language quarterly published in Israel. David Novak is a regular in its pages, along with Meir Soloveitchik and other fine writers. The journal has a First Thingsy feel, and I recommend a subscription. In any event, I mention Azure . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Christian Legal Society vs. Martinez

The Federalist Society provides a very insightful and useful podcast in which University of Chicago and NYU law professor Richard A. Epstein analyzes the June 28 decision that vindicated the Hastings Law School policy of forcing all groups to accept whomever wishes to participate, a policy that led . . . . Continue Reading »

How Do You Spell Tendentious?

A long article in today’s New York Times reports on some of the Vatican’s early responses to the sex-abuse crisis. The facts in the story, such as they are, appear good to know. But what the article tries to draw from it all . . . In fact, of Pope Benedict’s career as Cardinal . . . . Continue Reading »

Islamic Terrorism has Western Roots

At signandsight , a fine English language website out of Germany that covers the European scene, one can find all sorts of interesting material, including a recent interview with Olivier Roy, a French expert on Islam. Roy makes an observation that reinforces thoughts I’ve had for more than a . . . . Continue Reading »

Tradition and Interpretation

I’m catching up on my reading, and was struck by a witty and helpful discussion of biblical interpretation by Shalom Carmy in the Spring issue of Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought . In his editorial for this issue, Carmy (a First Things contributor) uses the clever ambiguities . . . . Continue Reading »

More Postmodern Sex

Yes, folks, we’re entering a new era. I wasn’t surprised to see notice of a new social networking site geared toward gay men . I’m sure there are plenty already. What struck me, however, was this selling point. Users can tag themselves in any way they choose—a nice . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Defines Extremism? functions as the Mother Jones of the internet, providing Lefties with Lefty content. Fair enough. But a recent article by Tana Geneva that gives a brief overview of the political and cultural view of Nevada GOP senate nominee Sharron Angle reflects an unfortunate tendency on the Left, . . . . Continue Reading »

Postmodern Sex

When I was reading this story about a bisexual husband, I was tempted to get all worked up about our therapeutic culture of infinite inclusion. But I couldn’t get past this quote from his wife, commenting on her own thoughts about his sexual orientation, which she’s not . . . . Continue Reading »


Over the years I’ve observed churches succumbing to the temptation to wrap the ordinary duties of life in the shiney foil wrapping paper of high theology. That seems to be the case with the Southern Baptist Convention. The NPR website gleefully reports that a couple of weeks ago the SBC . . . . Continue Reading »



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