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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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Hawking and Creation

William Carroll, one of the most subtle Thomists currently thinking about science, metaphysics, and faith, has put up a characteristically clear and lucid analysis of Stephen Hawking’s claim that modern physics has shown that we don’t need God to get the universe going. As Carroll . . . . Continue Reading »

Patriotism and Solidarity

In a long posting at Public Discourse, ” The Mosque’s Lesson in Loyalty ,” Carson Holloway provides helpful analysis of the legitimate human impulse to love one’s own. Beginning with family and clan, radiating outward to neighborhood, community, and nation, we have a native impulse toward . . . . Continue Reading »

Deranged People With Guns

What’s next?  An animal rights suicide bomber at the Bronx Zoo? Our tendency is to try to read some larger meaning into the bizarre story of James Lee, the paradoxically anti-human humanist—saving us from ourselves by making sure there aren’t any more selves—who held . . . . Continue Reading »

Beating Up on the Left

Alex Knepper is an undergraduate at American University, and he’s not gonna take it any more. In a forcefully written denunciation of what he diagnoses as a mindless anti-conservatism at the root of the Leftist mentality, ” The roots of the left’s love affair with Islam ,” . . . . Continue Reading »

American Exports

Unfortunately, the United States government and the development agencies it funds seem determined to export our culture of contraception. As a story in the Philippine Daily Inquirer reports , American agencies have been intimately involved in the design of a big push to “normalize” . . . . Continue Reading »

Restoring Dignity to Blue Collar Work

I’ve long enjoyed reading Camille Paglia, surely one of the most interesting voices in academia, full of piss and vinegar, and capable of original thought. I remember reading her insightful and very funny essay, “The Joy of Presbyterian Sex,” in the 1980s and marking her down as . . . . Continue Reading »

Islam, Christianity, and Secularism

A number of friends have pushed and probed, wondering if I’m not being overly simplistic when I say that Islam is largely irrelevant to the future of America. First of all, I am being overly simplistic. Islam and America—these are extraordinarily complex cultural realities. When I wrote . . . . Continue Reading »

A Weakness of Conservatism

As readers of my thoughts on Islam and American politics may have suspected, I’ve been beating my head against the wall lately, trying to understand why American conservatism allows itself to be ideologically outmaneuvered by liberalism, and this even as conservatism wins elections. But . . . . Continue Reading »

Islam and America

Today I weighed in on the Ground Zero mosque controversy , making a case that it’s not a big deal. A major premise of my argument is that Islam is not all that much of a factor in America. It’s something many of us fail to see, because we misread the behavior of the liberal . . . . Continue Reading »

A Creepy Feeling

The National Conference of Catholic Bishops has released the Labor Day Statement by Bishop William F. Murphy, the Chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development. No breaking news, just some well-meaning sentiments and reasonably sound observations. For example, Bishop Murphy . . . . Continue Reading »



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