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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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More on Bible Reading

Yesterday I argued for a hefty Bible at the lectern . Weighty truths, its seems to me, are fittingly stored in weighty tomes. That doesn’t mean that I’m opposed to pocket Bibles or bible verses that you can call up on your cell phone—or for that matter to any form of scripture. . . . . Continue Reading »

Reading the Bible

New York is digging out from a big snowstorm, which means a quiet day at the office, allowing me to catch up on some of my reading, including Verbum Domini , the Apostolic Exhortation concerning scripture and interpretation put out by Pope Benedict last fall. There’s lots of rich material . . . . Continue Reading »

Shame On Columbia University Press

Talk about cynical marketing! Columbia University Press has put out a slender book that represents itself as authored by Richard Rorty. The title suggests a topic of importance— Ethics for Today: Finding Common Ground Between Philosophy and Religion . But when you open the book (hopefully . . . . Continue Reading »

Liberalism and Irritable Mental Gestures

I’ve been rereading Lionel Trilling lately. I’ve long been a fan of his unique ability to write a meandering essay that nonetheless feels as though it has a singular focus. In any event, a recent editorial by Matt Franck in the Washington Post made me think of Trilling. Franck surveys . . . . Continue Reading »

Still More on Orsi

Those interested in a forceful and substantive response to Robert Orsi’s denunciations of the depravities of the Catholics Church—insufficient solicitude for “reproductive choice,” for example—should click over to read what Notre Dame professor Daniel Philpot has to say . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Robert Orsi’s Anti-Catholicism

Last week I drew attention to the way in which Robert Orsi, the Grace Craddock Nagle Chair in Catholic Studies at Northwestern University, slammed the Catholic Church in an online tirade . I’m someone who respects (and respectfully disagrees) with a great deal of loyal Catholic dissent. Yes, . . . . Continue Reading »

Was The Reformation Necessary?

A friend and I have been corresponding, covering lots of different topics, but lately focusing on the Reformation. A question came up. Did the Reformation need to happen? I don’t like that question (and I told my friend so), because “necessary” and “unnecessary” tend to distort our view . . . . Continue Reading »

Preachments of a Catholic Chair

I think of myself as a fairly jaundiced academic, unlikely to be taken aback by shrill, politically correct rhetoric. But I guess I’m wrong, because the crude pronouncements of Robert Orsi, holder of the Grace Craddock Nagle Chair in Catholic Studies at Northwestern University, shocked me. . . . . Continue Reading »

Desire Defines Reality

Recently I’ve been musing metaphysically, and today’s article by Stephen J. Heaney on Public Discourse (” Just the Facts, M’am “) struck a chord. Heaney picks up a story about a female college basketball player who has announced that she wants to be thought of as a . . . . Continue Reading »



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