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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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The Right Tax for Warren Buffet

Sunday’s New York Times ran an op ed by Warren Buffet, ” Stop Coddling the Super-Rich ,” in which The Oracle of Omaha chided our legislators for failing to tax the rich at sufficiently high rates. He points out that he paid nearly than $7,000,000 in taxes last year. Sounds like a . . . . Continue Reading »

King James Bible Celebration

The year is the 400th anniversary of the Authorized Version of the English-language Bible that often goes by the name of the monarch who commissioned the translation. It was a tremendous theological, scholarly, and literary achievement, producing the most influential book in the English language. . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Failed Establishment

Over at Public Discourse today, Matthew Franck provides a perceptive analysis of a recent episode of politically correct intimidation: ” Same-Sex Marriage and the Assault on Institutional Integrity .” A gay rights group put pressure on King & Spaulding, a prominent Atlanta law firm, to . . . . Continue Reading »

Attention All Young Professors

Of theology, that is. The Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is hosting a conference in September, ” The Intellectual Tasks of the New Evangelization .” The purpose? “The Committee hopes this conference will provide an occasion to build . . . . Continue Reading »

The God Debate Revisited

Sam Harris is the poor man’s Richard Dawkins, and he was recently at Notre Dame University to debate whether or not God is the source of morality. In an amusing and at time affecting meditation on the entire phenomenon of our Latter Day Atheists and their determined efforts to set science . . . . Continue Reading »

A Good Word for the Jesuits

From the very outset of the order, people have been criticizing the Jesuits. The Society of Jesus has long tended toward extremes that raise hackles. I’m no exception, I suppose, having skewered a few of the liberal Jesuits over the years, most recently Fr. Jim Keenan and Fr. Mark Massa, a . . . . Continue Reading »

Summer Opportunities

This summer will see two fine opportunities for anyone interested in the riches of the Catholic tradition. The first—a philosophy workshop on Thomas Aquinas and contemporary philosophy—will take place in late June (23rd through 26th) at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, New York. . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Need for Authority

Yesterday I wrote my Thursday column about the ways in which authority contributes to both natural and supernatural human flourishing. A friend wrote me to protest that, while he certainly agreed about the positive role of authority in political life, my examples of those who wrongly imagine we can . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Marriage

Drawing on The National Marriage Project’s 2010 Report, ” When Marriage Disappears: The New Middle America ,” I’ve mused a little about divorce and the larger relations between changed social mores and increased inequalities in America, suggesting that the sexual revolution . . . . Continue Reading »

Divorce and Statistics

A recently released report prepared by The National Marriage Project under the direction of W. Bradford Wilcox is full of very interesting data about sex, marriage, and family life in contemporary America, some of which we’ll be ventilating in a forthcoming issue of First Things . One . . . . Continue Reading »



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