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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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A Virtue Rather Than a Criterion

Over at the New York Times “Room for Debate” page, Tim Shah and Tom Farr observe that our liberal counterparts are often tempted to define democratic culture as, well, liberals talking the way liberals talk . Drawing from Barack Obama’s meditations on the role of faith in public . . . . Continue Reading »

The Noonday Devil

You can imagine my surprise this Christmas weekend when I discovered an essay on ancient and medieval spiritual theology in the Sunday Book Review section of the New York Times . In “The Noonday Demons, and Ours,” Brandeis English professor John Plotz reminds us that temptations toward . . . . Continue Reading »

The Nitty Gritty of Healthcare Regulation

Patrick Reilly and Rick Garnett mix it up over how best to respond to the aggressive way that Kathleen Sebelius at the Department of Health and Human Services has crafted regulations that stipulate what employers must include in the health insurance policies they provide. The long and the . . . . Continue Reading »

Profiling Plantinga

A friend wrote me today, saying, “When I was studying philosophy in graduate school I never imagined that I would live to see a thoughtful profile in the New York Times on Alvin Plantinga, let alone a respectful discussion of his new book on religion and science and the renaissance of . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN in the Pulpit

I was visiting Columbia recently, and Fr. Dan O’Reilly, the chaplain there told me that Fr. Richard John Neuhaus often preached there—and that his homilies were recorded and are available on the Columbia Catholic Ministry website. “No way,” I said. “Yes, way,” he . . . . Continue Reading »

Support the First Things Website

We’re in the middle of our Fall fundraising campaign, a new effort to raise funds for the mission and work of the First Things website. I hope you will step forward to be counted among those who give. The First Things website does many things. We provide one and often two (and sometimes even . . . . Continue Reading »

James B. Jordan and the Glory of Kings

[Note: The following is R.R. Reno’s foreword to The Glory of Kings: A Festschrift in Honor of James B. Jordan , edited by Peter J. Leithart and John Barach.] James B. Jordan is remarkable. There are plenty of Bible preachers in America who know the Scriptures well. Lots of professors read . . . . Continue Reading »

Support the First Things Website

We’re in the middle of our Fall fundraising campaign, a new effort to raise funds for the mission and work of the First Things website. I hope you will step forward to be counted among those who give. The First Things website does many things. We provide one and often two (and sometimes even . . . . Continue Reading »

Support the First Things Website

Today we’re launching a new effort to raise funds for the mission and work of the First Things website, our Fall fundraising campaign. I hope you will step forward to be counted among those who give. The First Things website does many things. We provide one and often two (and sometimes even . . . . Continue Reading »

Symposium on Marriage

Attention First Things readers. The Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. is sponsor a Theological Symposium on marriage on Friday and Saturday, October 21-22. The speakers are excellent: Reinhard Huetter from Duke, Fr. Michael Sherwin from the Dominican faculty at Fribourg in Switzerland, . . . . Continue Reading »



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