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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

Just War and Iran

In a searching reflection on the justice of preemptive military strikes designed to prevent Iran from gaining the use of nuclear weapons, Robert Koons embarks on a line of reasoning not altogether persuasive. He works his way through the criteria for a just war, and when he comes to “last . . . . Continue Reading »

March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

A Sign of the Times?

The Journal of Medical Ethics recently published are article justifying the killing of newborn infants, ” After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? ” Here is the abstract: Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus’ health. . . . . Continue Reading »

Schaeffer the Prevaricator

The Huffington Post featured a particularly ugly screed by Frank Schaeffer. He claims to be providing a service to the Republic by exposing “the loony Reconstructionist/Theonomist” agenda of people like Robert George and Richard John Neuhaus. Schaeffer is a great exaggerator, what . . . . Continue Reading »

Anti-Secular Allies

The indispensable Peter Berger has posted a helpful discussion of the implications of the recent and ongoing controversy over the contraceptive mandate, the main one of which, to his mind, is the further clarification of the common interests of religious people over and against the secularist . . . . Continue Reading »

Polling on the Contraceptive Mandate

The good folks at the Pew Research Center recently released the results of a survey that gives us some insight into the public reaction to the contraceptive mandate. Conservatives are more likely to think that religious organizations should be exempted, while liberals favor requiring contraceptive . . . . Continue Reading »

Contraceptive Charade

I’ve taken a look at the supposed concessions made by the Obama administration about required insurance coverage for contraceptives. Here’s what the White House fact sheet says: The President will also announce that his Administration will propose and finalize a new regulation during . . . . Continue Reading »



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