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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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Please Support Our Work

Dear Friends, What you read on makes a difference. Today we face an increasingly hostile intellectual culture, one that presumes that faith undermines reason, and that religion creates conflict and hostility in society. Our goal is to demonstrate how wrong this prejudice is. We . . . . Continue Reading »

Please Support Our Work

Dear Friends, What you read on makes a difference. Today we face an increasingly hostile intellectual culture, one that presumes that faith undermines reason, and that religion creates conflict and hostility in society. Our goal is to demonstrate how wrong this prejudice is. We . . . . Continue Reading »

The Conservative Anti-Establishment

I recently read Geoffrey Kabaservice’s lament for the eclipse of old-line Republicanism, Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party from Eisenhower to the Tea Party (Oxford University Press, 2012).  It’s a flawed book in . . . . Continue Reading »

Relief from Meaning

While reading the Wall Street Journal review of journals by the English historian Hugh Trevor-Roper, I was struck by the following: We learn in the “Wartime Journals” about the momentous day in Oxford when Trevor-Roper’s realization that he no longer needed to concern himself with . . . . Continue Reading »

March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

March Web Campaign

Our ongoing work on the web and in First Things magazine assures that your religious ideals and convictions have a voice in the public square. To do that well we need your support. Please click and donate . . . . . Continue Reading »

Charles Murray’s Thin Beer

Last month I wrote extensively in the Public Square about Charles Murray’s important new book, Coming Apart , an analysis of the striking gap between the top of American society (Belmont) and the bottom (Fishtown). In yesterday’s New York Times Murray answers critics who charge that he . . . . Continue Reading »



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