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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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Please Support Our Work

Dear Readers, First Things is a non-profit. For more than twenty years readers have provided donations that have sustained the journal. Now the electronic age presents new challenges. I’ve written to our subscribers, who have responded with generosity. Now I’m writing to you directly on . . . . Continue Reading »

Selma Analogy Extended

In the May issue I discussed the dangers of the Selma analogy , the approach to gay rights that seeks to adopt the strong and often coercive measures that were developed to fight against racial discrimination. Well, it seems that the Canadians are well ahead of us . The province of Quebec has . . . . Continue Reading »

I Love New York

Yes, it’s true. I love New York, and for all sorts of reasons, among which is Mayor Bloomberg. Matthew Cantirino’s posting draws attention to the ironies of Bloomberg’s neo-puritanism. When it comes to abortion we’re not to invade anybody’s private choices: . . . . Continue Reading »

Fr. John Jenkins Announces Lawsuit

Notre Dame has decided to stand up and be counted in the struggle to preserve a robust tradition of religious liberty in America. Notre Dame President, Fr John Jenkins, announced: “Today the University of Notre Dame filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana . . . . Continue Reading »

John Stott’s Legacy

Some years ago David Brooks wrote a column, “Who’s John Stott?,” that challenged the parochialism of our secular elites. As Brooks observed, John Stott, unknown to nearly all New York Times readers may have been one of the most influential intellectuals of the second half of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Support for Gay Marriage

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has posted a slide-show presentation of changes in support for same-sex marriage. There’s no new news here. Rising support for same-sex marriage has been widely reported. Not surprisingly, secularists are most supportive, religious people less . . . . Continue Reading »

Chuck Colson

For a very nice remembrance of Chuck Colson, see Timothy George’s piece in the National Catholic Register . Fitting that our baptist friend would remember an evangelical founder of Evangelicals and Catholics Together in a Catholic journal. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Nuns We Need

Vatican watcher Rocco Palmo flags the Wednesday release of a four-year-long study of women religious. Even the most casual observer knows that many female orders are, well, in disorder. A particular virulent version of the post-Vatican II flu ran through various orders of nuns, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Please Support Our Work

Dear Friends, What you read on makes a difference. Today we face an increasingly hostile intellectual culture, one that presumes that faith undermines reason, and that religion creates conflict and hostility in society. Our goal is to demonstrate how wrong this prejudice is. We . . . . Continue Reading »

Please Support Our Work

Dear Friends, What you read on makes a difference. Today we face an increasingly hostile intellectual culture, one that presumes that faith undermines reason, and that religion creates conflict and hostility in society. Our goal is to demonstrate how wrong this prejudice is. We . . . . Continue Reading »



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